Join Today!
Q4 Active Monthly Unlimited Membership is currently $155/month. Spouses join for even less!
“Unlimited” means that there is no limit to the number of circuit classes you may attend.
During the Month of July, new members receive the following:
FREE Comprehensive Initial Assessment ($120 value)
*This offer is valid through July 31, 2024. Our monthly membership rate may increase, so JOIN TODAY!
Personalized Circuit Training
A Q4 Active circuit coach will take you through a variety of activities regularly performed in our unique circuit so that you can get the most out of each circuit class you attend. This session is especially helpful for new members, and can benefit longtime members, as well. A single (1) session is the only purchase option here.
Personal Fitness Training
An experienced and educated Q4 Active personal trainer will help you achieve your health and wellness goals, and get you results, by creating and tailoring a physical activity exercise program just to you. Package options include:
Package 1 - Single (1) Session
Package 2 - Five (5) Sessions
Package 3 - Ten (10) Sessions
Personal Brain Training
Researchers in psychology and neuroscience have typically grouped the many specific cognitive brain skills we have into four general domains: Processing, Attention, Memory, and Executive Function. Performance in these psychological skills often declines as a function of physical inactivity or neglect. Let a qualified Q4 Active brain health trainer guide you through activities designed to engage these skills. Trainers will employ the SMARTFit® Mini technology, and other useful tools. Package options include:
Package A: Six (6) Sessions
Package B: Twelve (12) Sessions
**Note: The purchase of a personal training package requires agreement to the terms and conditions of this purchase. Click here to review the terms and conditions.
SENSO Self-Guided Brain Training Services
An experienced and educated Q4 Active personal trainer will help you achieve your health and wellness goals, and get you results, by creating and tailoring a physical activity exercise program just to you. Services and packages include:
Starter Package
Includes Assessment
Includes individual RFID Badge
Includes guided instruction on how to use and reserve the SENSO
Includes two (2) SENSO training sessions
Single (1) Session Package
Three (3) Sessions Package
Six (6) Sessions Package
Twelve (12) Sessions Package
Personalized SENSO Training Programs
Re-Assessment Session (Recommended every 12 weeks)
Still have questions? For more information on Senso, please click here. Feel free to contact us by phone at (818) 961-5353, or email us at